





7 – Understanding Affiliate Tracking: The Bridge Between You and Your Affiliates

Affiliate tracking is a crucial part of any successful affiliate marketing program. It’s the system that connects you (the product or service provider) with the affiliates who are out there promoting your stuff. Let’s dive into what affiliate tracking is all about and how to choose the right system for your business.

What is Affiliate Tracking?

At its core, affiliate tracking is about keeping tabs on the work your affiliates do. Affiliates are like middle-people who promote your products or services through various channels like blogs, social media, or YouTube. A reliable affiliate tracking platform is essential to keep your affiliates happy and motivated.

Types of Affiliate Tracking Platforms

There are two main types of affiliate tracking platforms:

  1. Subscription-Based Software:
    • You buy this software on a subscription basis
    • It gives you full control over your affiliate program
  2. Network Platforms:
    • Examples include
    • They have a ready-made infrastructure
    • They often have a network of affiliates you can work with

Both have their pros and cons. Networks can be easier to use, but you might have less control. Standalone platforms give you more control, but require more hands-on management.

Setting Up Your Affiliate Program

No matter which platform you choose, setting up your program usually involves these steps:

  1. Affiliates sign up for your program
  2. You approve the affiliates (make sure they’re a good fit for your brand)
  3. Approved affiliates get access to tracking links and marketing materials

Tracking Mechanisms

Tracking mechanisms are super important. They help affiliates see how well their promotions are doing. Here are some common methods:

  • Cookies: The traditional method for tracking user activity
  • App Install Tracking: Specialized tracking for app installs (doesn’t need cookies)
  • Promotional Codes: Unique codes users enter on your landing page

Choosing the Right Platform

Choosing the right tracking platform depends on your needs:

  • If you’re in a specific industry (like iGaming), you might prefer industry-specific platforms like MyAffiliates
  • If you use platforms like Shopify or WordPress, options like AffiliateWP could be best

Also, consider whether you have a dedicated affiliate manager or plan to outsource this role. Some networks offer different levels of support, from minimal to fully managed programs.

Wrapping Up

Choosing the right affiliate tracking platform or network requires careful research and a clear understanding of your needs. Whether you’re handling this in-house or bringing in a pro, it’s crucial to pick a platform that:

  1. Aligns with your business goals
  2. Gives you all the tools you need for successful affiliate tracking

By getting a handle on all these aspects, you can set up a solid affiliate program that benefits both your business and your affiliates. Remember, the right tracking system is the foundation of a successful affiliate marketing program!

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