





6 – What Types of Products or Services Are Good for an Affiliate Program?

Whether you’re running a service-based business, selling physical or digital products, or operating an online business like SaaS, understanding what works well in affiliate programs can help you make smart decisions. Let’s dive into the types of products and services that shine in the world of affiliate marketing!

Service-Based Businesses

Service-based businesses can be a bit tricky for affiliate marketing, mainly because of tracking issues. But don’t worry, there are ways to make it work!

Example: Carpet Cleaning Business

  • If there’s an online booking system, tracking becomes easier
  • An affiliate could have a blog about carpet care and promote the cleaning service with a tracking link

Alternative for Offline Services

If online booking isn’t an option:

  • Use printed coupons with a unique code
  • Affiliates promote these codes
  • When a customer calls to book and quotes the code, you’ve got a tracked booking
  • The receptionist enters the code into the system, and the affiliate gets their earnings

Physical Products

If your business sells tangible goods, affiliate programs can be super effective. Popular choices include:

  • Consumer electronics
  • Health and wellness products
  • Fashion items

Why do these work well? They have broad appeal and can attract all sorts of affiliates, from tech bloggers to fitness influencers. Affiliates earn commissions based on sales through their unique links, so they’re motivated to push your products.

Digital Products and Services

These are absolute gold for affiliates! Some examples include:

  • SaaS (Software as a Service) businesses
  • Online gaming
  • Sports betting
  • Gambling

Here’s why they’re so profitable:

Let’s say you have a SaaS business charging a $100 monthly subscription fee. If an affiliate earns a 30% commission, that’s $360 annually from just one customer! Now, imagine if that affiliate brings in 100 new customers each month. That’s some serious cash!

Subscription Boxes

Subscription boxes are fantastic for affiliates because of their recurring nature. Examples include:

  • Beauty products
  • Gourmet food
  • Fitness gear

These niche products attract loyal customers, and affiliates benefit from recurring commissions as long as those subscribers stick around.

High-Ticket Items

High-value products can be a goldmine for affiliates. These might include:

  • Luxury goods
  • Advanced online courses
  • High-end electronics
  • Designer fashion
  • Professional certifications

These products attract affiliates willing to put in the time to promote higher-value items because of the potential for big earnings.

Niche Markets

Don’t overlook niche markets! Examples include:

  • Pet products
  • Hobby supplies

If your business caters to a specific niche, passionate affiliates can drive consistent sales. Think about pet enthusiasts promoting pet food, accessories, and grooming services – they’re leveraging their passion to reel in customers.

How to Decide What’s Right for Your Affiliate Program

  1. Check out your competitors:
    • Are they running affiliate programs?
    • Are they successful?
  2. Get on forums and see what affiliates are saying about successful products and strategies for generating revenue.
  3. Make sure your products are sellable:
    • If you’re already making sales through organic means like SEO or paid advertising, you’ve got a solid shot at success with an affiliate program.

Remember, affiliates are often at the cutting edge of marketing. They can find the best ways to drive purchases through your program cost-effectively.

The Bottom Line

Affiliates only earn when they make a sale, making it a low-risk strategy for growing your business. It’s a sweet deal for both you and your affiliates!

No matter what type of product or service you offer, if it’s sellable and you have a well-put-together program, there’s a good chance you can make affiliate marketing work for you. The key is understanding your market, your products, and the unique value you can offer to both affiliates and customers.

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