





2 – My Unexpected Journey into Affiliate Marketing: A Story of Taking Risks

Sometimes, life’s most exciting opportunities come when we least expect them. That’s exactly what happened to me when I stumbled into the world of affiliate marketing. Let me share my story with you.

The Mysterious Job Posting

It all started with a job advertisement in Brisbane, Australia. The position? Affiliate manager. My first thought was, “What’s that?” At the time, I had been working in tech for about 3 or 4 years and had just completed a Microsoft certification in networking. I felt pretty confident about my tech skills, but affiliate marketing? That was completely new territory.

Intrigued, I decided to apply. Little did I know, this decision would change the course of my career.

Meeting Scott and the Big Question

During the interview process, I met Scott Logan, who later became my business partner. He explained how affiliate marketing worked and all the processes involved. The focus was on online gambling, specifically bingo.

Then came the big question: “If I give you the position, would you be able to fly to Amsterdam in three days?”

Taking the Leap

I remember thinking, “Sheesh, that’s exciting!” But also, “Well, why not take that opportunity and actually take a risk?” So, I said yes.

I can still vividly recall sitting on the plane in Brisbane, with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Part of me even wondered, “Am I going to wake up in Amsterdam in a bathtub full of ice with my kidneys cut out?” After all, this was about online sportsbooks and online gambling back in 2004 or 2005 – very early days in the industry.

The Beginning of a New Journey

That flight to Amsterdam marked the beginning of my journey into affiliates and affiliate management. Taking that risk and stepping into the unknown opened up so many opportunities for me. It taught me the value of taking chances, even when you’re unsure of the outcome.

Looking back, I realize that was a pivotal moment in my career. It set the stage for everything that followed and led me to where I am today.

The Lesson Learned

If there’s one takeaway from my story, it’s this: Sometimes, the biggest opportunities come from stepping out of your comfort zone and taking a leap of faith. You never know where a seemingly random job posting might lead you.

In Conclusion

My unexpected journey into affiliate marketing taught me that great things can happen when you’re willing to take risks and try something new. It’s okay to feel nervous or unsure – that’s part of the excitement of embracing new opportunities.

So, the next time an unexpected opportunity comes your way, consider taking that leap. You might just find yourself on an exciting new path, just like I did with affiliate marketing.

Remember, every expert was once a beginner. Your next big adventure might be just one brave decision away!

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